Constraint Solving

Start-Up specialized in Constraint-Programming

Cosling is a Tech Company with a unique expertise in constraint programming. With offices in Paris and Nantes, Cosling develops optimization microservices for planning and configuration, tailored to your business needs. We focus on algorithms and work with our partners to come up with a complete solution integrated into your system. We often use agile methods, such as Scrum, to work on our project with more flexibility and a better communication with both the customer and our partners.

Cosling is a spin-off of IMT Atlantique stemming from the research work of IRCCYN, LINA and INRIA labs.

Our values

We Deliver

We commit to bring you the best solution fitting all your business constraints, within the given budget and deadline.

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We Innovate

We contribute to Research and maintain close relations with labs to provide you with cutting-edge solutions. Each member of Cosling learns a new thing every day.

We Care

We care about our employees by facilitating their professional fulfillment and happiness. We care about the impact of our work on the planet and society.

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Management team

Jean-Guillaume Fages
Jean-Guillaume Fages LinkedIn

Expert in constraint programming and co-founder of Cosling, his PhD thesis has been internationally and nationally awarded. Jean-Guillaume Fages is a major contributor and co-administrator of Choco Solver.

Tanguy Lapègue
Tanguy Lapègue LinkedIn

Expert in operations research and co-founder of Cosling, his PhD thesis focuses on planning and scheduling using constraint programming, linear-programming and meta-heuristics.

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